Transform only ascii numbers 0-9 to int


Viewed 34 times


I have the following code

string t_postfix = getPostfix();
Stack<int> operandos;    //pilha dos operandos
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){    //loop para pegar operando e realizar operações

        if(isdigit(t_postfix[i])){    // verifica se é um digito ou operando
            to_int = (t_postfix[i]-'0');
            operandos.push(to_int);    //em caso positivo salva na pilha operandos
        else{    //em caso de um operador

            operandos.pop(v1);    //pega o primeiro elemento da pilha e remove

            operandos.pop(v2);    //pega o próximo elemento da pilha e remove

however when I use the values of v1 and v2(int), do an operation and return the result to the stack at the top, if the values are between 0-9 the answer comes in ascii but if it comes <0 or >9 ai comes normally as int, would have some way of I define which characters are the ones that have to switch from ascii to int (0-9) and the ones that don’t? because I’ve used


but then he changed the numbers on the accounts

  • For what reason you do: to_int = (t_postfix[i]-'0'); if you do not use the result for anything?

  • a yes I will fix but I take these values from a string so to ensure that the numbers will be saved as integers because it comes as a result of a function that must be returned in string

  • I didn’t understand it very well, but when you do if(isdigit(t_postfix[i])), then the character existing in t_postfix[i] is a decimal digit. Otherwise (if’s Else) is not a digit.

1 answer


by making Edit a writing error of mine as noted "to_int = (t_postfix[i]-'0')" and not using after, it worked out and fixed the problem, the above code posted is already working correctly after edited

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