Load reCaptcha from a different site in my WPF/XAML application


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I am working on a system that automatically downloads XML files from this website. But this site uses validation caps, and for that we would offer two options to our customers: using api’s like anticaptcha (which generates additional costs) and typing the text themselves. However, recently the site has been updated and now reCaptcha is used. The part of the api we were able to solve without problem.

What we’re not able to do is render reCaptcha in our application (which is done in WPF/XAML).

I believe it should be possible to do this, because this is how Anticaptcha works (using real people to break the reCatpchas).

What I need to do for the application to render reCaptcha and capture the answer?

1 answer


To solve the problem, I had to use cefSharp to load the page containing reCatpcha, and inject the javascript from cefSharp itself to remove the unnecessary elements and only make the captcha visible.

To capture the answer, I left an asynchronous thread in javascript running, "listening" to the 'g-recapcha-Response' field until it was different from empty, in this case, when the user had filled the captcha. So I saved the value of the field into a variable and finished the implementation.

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