doubts regarding a dynamic select


Viewed 68 times


My question is this, I have a table in the bank with the following specifications.

ID | Produto | Qtdade | valor unitário de venda
1  | ABC     | 5000   | 10
2  | ABC     | 2000   | 9.5
3  | ABC     | 3000   | 11

From this table I need to make a sale, in which I always have to take the first, when finish the amount of the first dai caught the next. So let’s assume that the sale I’m going to make is 8000 units, I have to list the order as follows:

ABC      | 5000         | 50000
ABC      | 2000         | 19000
ABC      | 1000         | 11000

Can someone suggest me a way to do this?

part of the code

$pedido = 8000; // (veio da quantidade da tabela de pedido)

$sql_pedido = 'SELECT * FROM estoque';
$busca_pedido = mysqli_query($mysqli,$sql_pedido);

while ($linha_pedido = mysqli_fetch_object($busca_pedido)) {

    if ($pedido > 0) {
    $quant = $linha_pedido->quantidade;
    $valor = $linha_pedido->valorUnit;
    $pedido = $pedido - $linha_pedido->quantidade;
    $total = $quant*$valor;
    echo "$quant - R$ $valor ... Total em R$ $total<br>";


2 answers


You need to do something like below, extracted from SO-en:

SELECT *, @TOTAL := @TOTAL + quantidade AS total
FROM tabela1, (SELECT @TOTAL := 0) t
WHERE @TOTAL <= 8000

But note that the above query does not return exactly what you need, as it selects the last row with the total amount available in the item, totaling in the column total 10000 instead of 8000.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I believe that this already helps you, because all you have to do is take the side of php to get what you need. In the link I passed above you have more examples of how to do what you need.

  • I’m kind of a layman, I’m learning php, but how would I handle this issue in php? in the download this partial values?


You can sort requests with the SQL query with ORDER BY nome_do_compo DESC

SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE id_compra = 'o id da compra' ORDER BY quantidate DESC;

sql above sorts the products by the field 'quantity' in descending order, the inverse of DESC Voce can use ASC which leaves in ascending order.

So the records already come in print order on the screen.

A complementary reading

In order to manipulate values you can do something like this:

$lista = [

    $valorTotal = 8000;
    $valor = 0;

    foreach($lista as $key => $linha){
        // verifica se a soma passa do valor total 
        if($valor + $linha[2] < $valorTotal){
            $valor =  $valor + $linha[2];
            // zera o valor desse registro
            $lista[$key][2] = 0;
            // ve a diferença dos valores
            $debito = $valorTotal - $valor;
            // debita apenas a diferença
            $saldoTranspor = $linha[2] - $debito;

            $lista[$key][2]  = $saldoTranspor ;
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";

So you only need to do a new query to update the database

  • 1

    the question of the order ok, but how to get the amount I need in the code, for example there item 3 has 3000, and there I will need to take only 1000 of it. What would it be like in php?

  • got it now, I’ll edit the answer

  • How I Gero this array like this taking data from the database?

  • Like this coming from your bank ?

  • I select * from table.... it brings me back already in sequence because of the id that is incremental... hence I pull quantity and value of inputs... but I can not limit and display the value until I arrive at the correct amount

  • of a print_r() in the variable that returns and puts here

  • I edited in my post the code I use to list the quantity, value, and total value however I can not discount the amount of the last item in the case

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