How to make a list comparator


Viewed 107 times


I wanted to know how to make a list comparator in C# or bat, to identify only the different items between them

  • Post what you’ve tried to do so far.

  • Welcome to ONLY, this task would be to compare rum lines a file, and by pointing out the lines and their content that differ from the others?

2 answers


  • If I understand the question, where do I understand you want to:

1) use a solution in bat/cmd as an option;

2) wants to separate items duplicates and unique of the contents of a file;

  • To use, you can pass as target file name argument by the command line, or just drag and drop that target file directly into the cmd/bat.

@echo off & mode con cols=45 lines=8 & cd /d "%~dp0" & color 9f & title Q382159 <nul & set _lf=^

<nul <nul & cd /d "%~dp0" & type nul >"%~dp0Duplicados.log" & type nul >"%~dp0Unicos.log" & echo/

echo/%cmdcmdline%|findstr /i "\.cmd \.bat" 2>nul >nul && set "_1=&echo/no% _lf% Drag ^& Drop " || set "_1=&echo/no% _lf%" Argumento/Parametro"

if /i "%~1^|"=="^|%~1" goto :^(

echo/Comparando conteudo do arquivo... && findstr /ixg:"%~1" "%~1" >>"%~dp0Duplicados.log" 
echo/Separando item/linha/conteudo unicos && findstr /vixg:"%~1" "%~1" >>"%~dp0Unicos.log"

set /a _cnt_unico=0, _cnt_multi=0

for %%C in (Duplicados.log Unicos.log) do for /f %%i in ('type "%~dp0%%C"^|find "" /v /c')do echo/Total itens em %%C: %%i
timeout /t -1 & exit /b

echo/Nenhum arquivo usado informado %_1% & echo/ & echo/Sistema em Pause... & >nul timeout /t -1 && exit /b

| Resulta: |

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


I don’t know if this is exactly what you want, but just so you know where to start:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        // ------- Criação de Propriedades e Populando elas para o exemplo --------
          // Listas
          var lst1 = new List<int>();
          var lst2 = new List<int>();

          // Add itens na lista 1

          // Add itens na lista 2
        // ------- FIM --------

        // Compara as listas e add os valores diferentes em outra lista
        var lstDiferencas = (lst1.Except(lst2)).Union(lst2.Except(lst1)).ToList();

        // Imprime os valores da lista 3 (valores diferentes)
        Console.WriteLine("Valores diferentes entre as listas: ");

        // Imprime os valores ordenados
        foreach (var item in lstDiferencas.OrderBy(x=>x))
           Console.WriteLine(item+"; ");


Here, practice the above example:

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