Why doesn’t my select return in PHP?


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inserir a descrição da imagem aquiI have a PHP query which is as follows:

$serverName = "servidor";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"banco", "UID"=>"user", "PWD"=>"senha");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo );
if( $conn === false ) {
    die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

$sql = "SELECT  distinct  CONVERT(date, colunadata,103)as data FROM LISTA2 WHERE colunadata IS NOT NULL and DESCRICAO like '%valor%' GROUP BY CONVERT(date,colunadata,103)";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $sql );
if( $stmt === false) {
    die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true) );

while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC) ) {
     $dateString = $row['data']->format('d/m');
      echo $dateString."<br />";

sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);


It happens that depending on the value I put in the WHERE it works and prints on the screen the result as the "ECHO" defined above. However I put this select inside a query in SQL SERVER and returns value! Why not return some values in PHP ?

  • Put the query made in SQL SERVER in the question

  • It is the same select shown inside the $sql variable

  • @Leonardobarros do you have any idea why it’s not working?

  • SQL Profile is showing exactly what should be run?

  • yes @Onaiggac, is showing exactly what should be run. I will edit the question by posting the query to sql server

  • the query in sql server runs and returns the value correctly but when I put the same query in PHP it does not return any value, the screen turns white simply

  • It’s different, one has DESCRICAO the other GRUPO_DESCRICAO

  • ah yes it’s all GRUPO_DESCRICAO, it was my mistake to post @Leonardobarros

  • How you assign the like value?

  • the select would be "SELECT distinct CONVERT(date, colonnade,103)as data FROM LISTA2 WHERE colonnade IS NOT NULL and GRUPO_DESCRICAO like '%209524 | 2.8 GR. CARBON FIBER ROLLER Ø146%' GROUP BY CONVERT(date,103)". The value is actually this string

  • It doesn’t make much sense this DISTINCT if you do a GROUP BY by the same field.

  • @anonimo yes... even taking out GROUP BY the return is the same! And in the query in sql server works as can be seen in the image

  • "depending on the value I put in WHERE it works and prints on the screen the result". By chance these times it works has some relation with the dates whose DAYS are less than 13?

  • No... @Ronaldoaraújoalves. There are times they return with days 21,02,14, 27.. varies.

  • @Ronaldoaraújoalves pq the idea days less than 13 ?

  • In case the date is, for example, 06/20/2019 and the system is trying to convert the "20" as month.

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