Why is it possible to delete an exception "release" statement from the signature of an inherited method?


Viewed 36 times


I would like to know because I did not understand this part, it is because it is a statement that it can "launch" an exception?

public abstract class Personagem{
    public abstract void atacar() throws Exception;
//Atacar é abstrato
//logo abaixo quando eu herdo eu posso tirar o throws Exception da assinatura.
public class Mago extends Personagem{
    public void atacar(){
  • I don’t understand your question. Be clearer please. Put the code you have doubt.

  • I hope I’ve made more concrete what I meant.

1 answer


The method atacar() is being overwritten in the subclass Mago, that is, the method is not invoked in the superclass Personagem and shall not make an exception.

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