Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects Parameter 1 to be mysqli


Viewed 153 times


I migrated the site from Ocaweb to hostgator and php are in different versions. Now I need to use mysqli. I’ve already arranged the /public_html/.../mysql.php. Now this file: /home3/.../Phpfrodo.class.php has this error.

Warning: mysqli_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, string given in /home3/.../PHPFrodo.class.php on line 1951

From what I understand, it is necessary to pass a connection as first parameter, but I do not know how to do.

Part of line code 1951:

public function post2Query( $arr2query )
        if ( !is_array( $arr2query ) || empty( $arr2query ) )
            throw new Exception( 'post2query: O paramêtro não é um array ou está vazio!' );
            foreach ( $arr2query as $key => $value )
                $value = mysqli_real_escape_string( $this->dbase, $value); // <== linha 1951
                $this->post_fields[] = trim( "$key" );
                $this->post_values[] = trim( "$value" );
                //$this->post_values[] = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $value);
    catch ( Exception $e )
        echo $e->getMessage();
    return $this;

I believe that the $this->dbase is being declared in the code below. The error happens when trying to include information via Dashboard.

public function database( $dbase = 'default' )
            if ( $dbase != null )
                $this->dbase = $dbase;
            if ( file_exists( DATABASEDIR . 'database.conf.php' ) )
                include DATABASEDIR . 'database.conf.php';
                throw new Exception( "database: Arquivo de configuração do banco inexistente!" );
            if ( !isset( $databases["$this->dbase"] ) )
                throw new Exception( "database: banco [$this->dbase] não configurado em " . DATABASEDIR . "database.conf.php" );
            //conexao adapters
            $this->adapter( $databases[$this->dbase]['driver'] );
            $this->objBanco = new $this->adapter( $databases[$this->dbase] );
            $this->dbname = $databases[$this->dbase]['dbname'];
            $this->sgbd = $databases[$this->dbase]['driver'];
        catch ( Exception $e )
            echo $e->getMessage();
        return $this;
  • 1

    What is the value of $this->dbase?

  • I edited the post, @Andersoncarloswoss, would that be the part? In the same folder there is a file called Conexao.class.php. Which, from what I understand, makes a connection with the BD, do I have to call a connection variable with the BD of that file? Error is happening when trying to include data via Dashboard/admin.

  • The function you are using expects an instance of mysqli; what you’re going through is a string with the access configuration.

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