jQuery unbind to everything, when window size <= 800


Viewed 103 times


I would like all actions programmed with Javascript to be effective when the $(window).width() <= 800 to avoid conflicts between Mobile layout and desktop. But the truth is that it runs out of CSS but the actions (events) defined in Javascript continue to happen and I would like it to stop everything, as if nothing is set in jQuery. I have the following code but it doesn’t work:


<link rel="stylesheet" media='screen and (min-width: 801px)' href ="css/styles.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" media='screen and (max-width: 800px)' href ="css/stylesMob.css">

<!-- HTML -->




//isto no final da página

if ($(window).width() < 800) {
    if ($(window).width() < 800) {

For a more detailed view here is the website.

  • What makes the jQuery you want to block? are click events or also change? If you click only, you can use CSS Pointer Events... (this link does not work)

  • All because I will use the same elements (id’s and classes) for window <= 800. and I wouldn’t want there to be any conflicts, the only thing that will change is the css file. I would like for window < 800 to be a new jquery

  • "A new jQuery" seems difficult and/or laborious. In this case the safest is to have a flag and check this condition on all pieces of code. If you put the jQuery that you want to "hang up" the question becomes clearer.

  • Is it possible to specify, as I did with the css files above, . js files for different window sizes? If it’s possible, it sounds like a great solution. Or wrap all of my js code in the condition: 'if(($window).width() > 800) { // All code made for desktop } Else { //Mobile layout }'

  • Miguel added an answer. Your suggestion to do if(($window).width() > 800) { // Todo o codigo feito para desktop } else { //layout Mobile } is also an alternative, or pointer-event: none; within a media query. Put jQuery here to see which of the variants is the best and easiest to maintain.

2 answers


You can test this idea inside the page’s HEAD tag:

    var script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.src = screen.width > 800 ? 'scriptDesktop.js' : 'scriptMobile.js';    

This script inserts code from an external file. Which file to insert is chosen here:

script.src = screen.width > 800 ? 'scriptDesktop.js' : 'scriptMobile.js';

and that ternary operator gives desktop if the condition screen.width > 800 be true and mobile if it’s fake.

  • 1

    Very Obgado @Sergio, plus 'one' in my 'toolbox'. But yes, I think I will opt for the top solution.

  • 1

    Hello @Sergio, just to say that I have advanced this solution. my final implementation is down. Obgado


My final implementation, with the help of @Sergio turned out to be:

Inside the head tag, in HTML:

<script type="text/javascript">

        var type = 'text/javascript';
        var src = ($(window).width() > 800) ? "js/desktopLayout.js" : "js/mobileLayout.js";
        $('head').append('<script type ="' +type+ '" src="' +src+ '">');

        $('script[src $= "Layout.js"]').remove();
        var type = 'text/javascript';
        var src = ($(window).width() > 800) ? "js/desktopLayout.js" : "js/mobileLayout.js";
        $('head').append('<script type ="' +type+ '" src="' +src+ '">');


PS: Each time we resize we are adding 'script type ="' +type+ '" src="' +src+ '", remove function is to avoid this, ie at the 'start' of resize will delete the current link to the file (desktopLayout or mobileLayout).

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