How to view queries that returned error?


Viewed 71 times



I wonder if in mysql, in his own dictionary (Mysql) I can debug the query that returns with an error of a particular application?

  • 1

    Are you using PHP? Please explain your question better.

  • 1

    No, VBA and I need to see if some errors that return is in the database or in the application (which is almost certain to be the application) but I need specific information to prove.

  • 1

    have you searched the mysql error log?

  • 2

    It would not be basically what you have asked in capture a-query-no-mysql-de-adetermined?

  • It turned out to look like this, but actually I don’t know mysql handles queries with errors together with all queries. I’m going to go to a parsed mysql documentation if I find that can help in this log issue. Thanks for the help.

  • Rodrigo, wouldn’t it be better to add an error handling to the code?

  • I’ll do it! Thank you.

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