Run jQuery function in dynamically generated table after an AJAX


Viewed 501 times


I need to execute the function below, after the AJAX request it has to remove the row from the table, if I put the code that removes the direct line in the function it removes the line normally, but if I put inside the Success of AJAX it does not remove the line and runs the alert usually in the end.

$('#tabelaMaterial').on('click', '.icon-remove', function (event) {
        url: "/RCM/RemoveItemCarrinho",
        type: "POST",
        success: function () {
            alert("Material removido!");

1 answer


It is a matter of scope, the this down in the success is something else:

$('#tabelaMaterial').on('click', '.icon-remove', function (event) {
    var $this = $(this);
        url: "/RCM/RemoveItemCarrinho",
        type: "POST",
        success: function () {

Related: What’s the difference between $(this) and $this and this?

  • 1

    It worked right, thank you very much.

  • 1

    @Alan, I added an important link to the answer.

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