How do I call my friends' profile image?
Mine I can already seek this way me/picture?redirect=false
How do I call my friends' profile image?
Mine I can already seek this way me/picture?redirect=false
Basically the command is
public ActionResult Index() { if (StatusAutorizacao()) { Facebook.FacebookClient client = new Facebook.FacebookClient(access_token); client.AppId = App_Id; client.AppSecret = App_Secret; dynamic friends = client.Get("me/friends/?fields=name,birthday,picture, gender"); IEnumerable listafriends = (from c in ((IEnumerable)friends.data) select new { Id = c.id, Name = c.name, Birthday = c.birthday, Picture = c.picture.data.url, Sexo = c.gender }).AsEnumerable(); return View(listafriends); } else { return null; } }
And at the index, you put the view
@model IEnumerable @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; }Index
@foreach (object item in Model) { Type type = item.GetType(); @String.Format("{0} {1}", type.GetProperty("Id").GetValue(item,null).ToString(), type.GetProperty("Name").GetValue(item,null).ToString()) }
Sorry I forgot to specify that I am using javascript ;(
Browser other questions tagged javascript facebook-graph-api
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Hi, Jefferson, the correct is to tag the relevant language. And also the code snippet you use to fetch your image.
– brasofilo
so I use this code here to call my photo " FB.api('me/picture', Function(info_pic) { var photo=info_pic.data.url; console.log(info_pic); $("#foto1"). html("<img width=30 height=30 src=" + photo + ">"); }); " I would like to know how to call my friends randomly
– Jefferson Monteiro
Click [Edit] below the question to include new information and format the code correctly.
– brasofilo