How to remove dynamically generated table row with Jquery?


Viewed 6,986 times


I would like one of the automatically generated columns in the table to have a function to delete the row, but the on click is not working. How should I do it ?

            $("#associar1").on("click", function(e){        
     var coluna = "<tr>";
                             coluna += "<td width='40%'  align='center'><input type='text' disabled = 'disabled'   value= "+$("#canal").val()+" name='vigenciaCanalVendaVO.canalVendaVO.codigo'/></td>";
                             coluna +="<td width='40%'  align='center'><input type='text'  mask = '99/99/9999' disabled = 'disabled' data-mask='data' data-date-type='default' size='12' maxlength='10'  value="+$("#dataInicioVigencia").val()+" name='vigenciaCanalVendaVO.dataInicioVigenciaAssociacaoPlano'/>"
                             coluna +="At&eacute;<input type='text' mask='99/99/9999'  data-mask='data' disabled = 'disabled' data-date-type='default' size='12' maxlength='10'  value="+$("#dataFimVigencia").val()+" name='vigenciaCanalVendaVO.dataFimVigenciaAssociacaoPlano'/></td>";
                             coluna +="<td align='center'><img src='/includes/images/bt_remover.gif' id='remover' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;'/></td>";
                             coluna += "</tr>";               

1 answer


You must delegate this event because this #remove element is inserted after jQuery has been read. I explained this delegation issue in this answer.

You can do it like this:

$("#tabelaCanais").on("click", "#remover", function(e){

I also suggest changing this ID to class, otherwise jQuery will only find the first #remove and it won’t work on the others. So the code I suggest is:

$("#tabelaCanais").on("click", ".remover", function(e){

and HTML:

<img src='/includes/images/bt_remover.gif' class='remover' style='cursor:pointer;cursor:hand;'/>

Note: use the Closest() because it is more reliable than .parent().parent() if there are more elements in the DOM between the image and the line.

  • Excellent your answer, I need to do the same thing only that after the execution of an Ajax, when I do outside Ajax works, but when I put inside the Ajax Success does not work, I have to modify something?

  • @Alanalmeida works the same way. What is important is to ensure that the .on() is applied on an element that was already in the DOM. If you do not know the safest is to use $(document).on(...etc

  • @Alanalmeida if you can’t ask a question that you’ll have help solving.

  • posted a question on this link if you can take a look.

  • 1

    Thank you very much, it worked perfectly.

  • @Alanalmeida now saw the question. Brasofilo’s answer is right. The this inside AJAX is not the same as outside, you have to use a reference type vat self = this; or as he did there.

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