How to Use Zend 2 + Mapserver


Viewed 34 times


How do I use the functions of MapServer() inside the Zend controller ? I am using MS4W which has Apache, PHP and Mapserver.

If it were straight, it would be something like this:

$mapserver = MapServer();
$obj = $mapserver -> ms_newMapObj();
$obj -> draw();
$obj -> saveImage("mapa-exemplo" , "gif");

1 answer


For all inetessados, I managed to make it works and there were no needs and make any changes.

follows an example:

public function Mapserver($map , $mapPath , $img , $imgPath){
    $path = array(
        'img' => $imgPath . $img ,
        'map' => $mapPath . $map

        $mapa = ms_newMapObj($path['map']);

        $mapa -> draw() 
              -> saveImage($path['img']);

    } catch (Zend_Exception $ex ) { 
        echo $ex -> getMessage();

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