Checked radio button with sql query listing


Viewed 77 times


Good afternoon, I have an appointment that calls me back radio buttons with some BD results for further handling, however when I put the checked it is marked in the last table result, how can I make it marked in the first result?? follows code

    $list_platform_don = $conn->prepare('SELECT * FROM type_donations WHERE platform_id ='.$_SESSION['platform']);
    foreach($list_platform_don as $donate):
        echo '<input type="radio" name="donate_opt" class="donate_opt" value="'.$donate['coupons'].'" checked><p>'.$donate['name'].' </p><img src="imagens/'.$donate['img'].'">';

1 answer


If "lista_platform_don" is an array, a way to mark the first element would be like this:

foreach($list_platform_don as $index => $donate):
if ($index == 0) {
echo '<input type="radio" name="donate_opt" class="donate_opt" value="'.$donate['coupons'].'" checked><p>'.$donate['name'].' </p><img src="imagens/'.$donate['img'].'">';
} else {
echo '<input type="radio" name="donate_opt" class="donate_opt" value="'.$donate['coupons'].'" ><p>'.$donate['name'].' </p><img src="imagens/'.$donate['img'].'">';
  • understood, in case the index is used to manage the arrays separately, did not know very well how works this question of array, I will test here

  • worked really well, vlw

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