How to send an Arraylist<Object> to Webservice SOAP


Viewed 149 times


Good Afternoon

Assuming I have the following Java Order and Item classes:

public class Pedido implements KvmSerializable, Serializable {

private String numero;
private ArrayList<Item> itens;

public String getNumero(){
    return numero;

public void setNumero(String numero){
    this.numero = numero;

public ArrayList<Item> getItens(){
    return itens;

public void setItens(ArrayList<Item> itens){
    this.itens = itens;

public Pedido(){


public class Item implements KvmSerializable, Serializable {

private String codigo;
private double valor;

public String getCodigo(){
    return codigo;

public void setCodigo(String codigo){
    this.codigo = codigo;

public double getValor(){
    return valor;

public void setValor(double valor){
    this.valor = valor;

public Item(){


What is the procedure for sending a Request object with multiple items to a Webservice using SOAP technology, using the KSOAP2 library via Android?

I can make the request normally with objects that do not involve Arrays, but when this happens I get the following error message:

W/System.err: java.lang.Runtimeexception: Cannot serialize:

From now on, thank you.

2 answers


change public class Pedido { for public class Pedido implements Serializable {


public class Item { for public class Item implements Serializable {

If your classes are not serialized they cannot be sent to the backend, this should already solve the problem :D

  • I’m already implementing the Serializable interface in the classes, I forgot to put in the code here, I’ll update. But I still have the same problem, I can’t serialize an object array.

  • The error remains the same ? or changed ?

  • It remains the same, I can serialize both the Request object and the Item object, provided that separately. My problem is serializing a Request object with one or more Items inside it.


Good Afternoon

I managed to solve my problem. I’m not sure why the KSOAP2 library acts this way, but there’s no way I could serialize an array automatically as I do with primitive type attributes.

The solution I found was to pass the list as a separate parameter and add to the object when mounting the request. Following the example of the above class, the solution would be:

private final String NAMESPACE = "SEU_NAMESPACE";    

public void SeuMetodo(Pedido pedido, ArrayList<Item> itens) {
    SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "SeuMetodo");
    SoapObject ped = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "pedido");
    SoapObject arrayItens = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, "Itens");

    for (Item item : itens){
        arrayItens.addProperty("Item", item);

    ped.addProperty("numero", pedido.getNumero());
    ped.addProperty("Itens", arrayItens);

    request.addProperty("pedido", ped);

    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {

I hope I’ve been able to be clear, if anyone else has that problem and needs help I’m available.

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