Clicks counter using Javascript


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I’m trying to make a click counter.

Understand: I have a search bar that dynamically returns all service titles registered in the database. This process mediates between the PHP and the Javascript. But that’s been done.

If I type "Blog" in research, the javascript send the request and return the results found with that term. I set that the result came with a link to the service page and this is happening 100% smoothly.

It happens that I also want to account when this link is clicked, IE, I want to record in a table of the database every click occurred. However hard I try, I can not find a way to do this, I understand the logic but I am forgetting to do something or I could not formulate the logic of the process. I need you to help me.

I will leave here the script I am using. As a search can dynamically return more than 1 result, this loop was made inside a Function javascript. Get the parts straight:

- Search bar

<form id="searchForm">
    <div class="inner-form">
        <div class="input-field second-wrap">
            <input id="busca" name="pesquisar" type="text" placeholder="Qual serviço você está procurando?" />
            <div style="background: #efefef;">
                <ul id='results' style='list-style: none;margin: 0;'>
        <div class="input-field third-wrap">
            <button class="btn-search" id="btnSearch" type="button">

- Detects typing to trigger the search function

document.getElementById("busca").onkeyup = function (e) {
    if(e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) {
        var q = this.value === "" ? "*" : this.value;

- Send terms to PHP to perform the search

function sendSearch(q) {
    var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "/sistema/Teste.php?val="+q, true);
    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if(xmlhttp.readyState===4&&xmlhttp.status===200) {
            var json = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
            var resultado = "";
            for(var i = 0; i < json.length; i++)
                resultado +=
                    "<li style='padding: 7px 0'><a data-click='' data-target='" + json[i].id +"' style='color: #48556b;' href='" + json[i].uri + "'><h5 class='m-0'>"+ json[i].nome +"</h5></a></li>";
            document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = resultado;

Based on the html structure and the information that was inserted in the result loop of the javascript function, the script was created to account for the click

$("[data-click]").click(function () {
    let idClick = $(this).attr("data-target") ? $(this).attr("data-target") : $(this).html();

        url: '/sistema/Counter.php',
        data: {'idClick': idClick},
        type: 'GET',
        success: false

- Finally, the PHP

$id_click = $_GET['idClick'];

$count_click = $db->Executar("UPDATE servicos SET clicks = clicks + 1 WHERE id = '$id_click'");

I want that by clicking on this link, it goes to the service page but count the click as well. Following what I wrote I thought it would work but apparently the page Counter.php is not receiving the parameter idClick.

For anyone who can help me clarify what I am doing wrong or how I can change it to work, I will be grateful.

Thanks in advance to all who read and help with some suggestion.

Thank you.

NOTE: If you need additional information, please ask in the comments.

  • I believe it is because when clicking on the link, the page is redirected and does not run AJAX before.

  • @Sam Mano, really, could be that, but like. I’ve been researching a code from a colleague of mine who made a basic real estate system for a client and he used this concept (in vdd he made a very complex system with classes, Construct, etc). He clicks the link sends to the other page and the javascript sends the value captured via Ajax. Until that part I based on his. :/

  • The ideal was to do this in PHP. Via JS you can redirect after AJAX is processed, but if the guy opens the link in a new tab, will not catch the click and will not call AJAX.

  • 1

    what @Sam said makes perfect sense. If you don’t want to use Ajax, can direct to a page that will do what you need, and after this page direct to another

  • 1

    @Ricardopunctual I always do this when I want to count clicks. Create a PHP page that receives the target ID and URL, update to the database, and redirect. :)

  • Exact @Sam, works very well, almost a link protector :)

  • And you could help me with an example of this use?

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