I followed these steps contained in this link:
1: Download the latest version of Mingw
2: Install it preferably on C:/Mingw. I installed the packages mingw32-base and the mingw32-gcc-g++ (I’m not sure if it’s essential to install these two packages)
3: Locate the bin folder path (C:/Mingw/bin)
4: Windows + F -> Settings -> type system environment -> Edit system environment variables
Right click on My Computer -> Properties -> System -> Advanced -> Environment variables
5: In the user variables, click on New. In the name Mingw, already in value put the bin folder path (third step), ex.: C: Mingw bin. Give a Ok, then OK again.
6: Open Sublime Text. Go to Tools -> Build System -> C++
7: Ctrl + B to compile and Ctrl+Shift+B to execute
OBS.: save all files in bin folder without putting them in a folder. The file path must be in this format: C:/Mingw/bin/File.cpp
It worked! D
Yes, you will need a C compiler, but I’ll let others recommend one, since I hardly use C or Windows.
– bfavaretto
Yes, in Linux I build on the terminal with Clang, already in Windows I imagined that I needed to install more...
– webgykl
Could people who voted against this question explain why it is bad? In my opinion it follows the pattern of the site.
– Oralista de Sistemas
I did not understand either Renan... I admit that I did not try much before asking, but soon after I even found the solution and answered below
– webgykl