Code stating which method does not exist but method is in Class


Viewed 26 times


I have the array down that comes from a consultation to the database using a class:

    [0] => Estudos Object
            [idEstudo:Estudos:private] => 12
            [assunto:Estudos:private] => Teste
            [estudo:Estudos:private] => Testando...
            [data:Estudos:private] => 2019-01-28
            [dataEstudo:Estudos:private] => 0000-00-00

    [1] => Estudos Object
            [idEstudo:Estudos:private] => 13
            [assunto:Estudos:private] => Dia D
            [estudo:Estudos:private] => Dia de brincar
            [data:Estudos:private] => 2019-02-25
            [dataEstudo:Estudos:private] => 0000-00-00

    [2] => Estudos Object
            [idEstudo:Estudos:private] => 14
            [assunto:Estudos:private] => Perizes
            [estudo:Estudos:private] => Perdição total?
            [data:Estudos:private] => 2019-02-26
            [dataEstudo:Estudos:private] => 2019-02-26

    [3] => Estudos Object
            [idEstudo:Estudos:private] => 15
            [assunto:Estudos:private] => Estudo
            [estudo:Estudos:private] => Estudando...
            [data:Estudos:private] => 2019-02-26
            [dataEstudo:Estudos:private] => 2019-02-27

    [4] => Estudos Object
            [idEstudo:Estudos:private] => 16
            [assunto:Estudos:private] => Estudo de Células
            [estudo:Estudos:private] => Esse estudo vai bombar
            [data:Estudos:private] => 2019-04-12
            [dataEstudo:Estudos:private] => 2019-04-12


To class responsible for these objects is the following:


class Estudos {

    private $idEstudo; 
    private $assunto; 
    private $estudo; 
    private $data; 
    private $dataEstudo; 

    public function __construct($_assunto, $_estudo, $_data, $_dataEstudo) {

        $this->assunto = $_assunto;
        $this->estudo = $_estudo;
        $this->data = $_data;
        $this->dataEstudo = $_dataEstudo;


    public function setIdEstudo ($_idEstudo) {

        $this->idEstudo = $_idEstudo;


    public function getIdEstudo () {

        return $this->idEstudo;


    public function getAssunto () {

        return $this->assunto;


    public function getEstudo () {

        return $this->estudo;


    public function getData () {

        return $this->data;


    public function getDataEstudo () {

        return $this->dataEstudo;




That one array of objects of that class comes from this method:

function listar( $estudosDao, $phpUtil ) {

    $estudos = $estudosDao->pesquisaEstudos();

    $lista = null;

    if ( $estudos != null ) {

        $lista = "<h1 class='hCentralizado'>Listagem de Estudos</h1>";

        $lista .= "

            <ul class=listaTopo id=listaTopo>
                   <li style='width: 20%;'>Data do Estudo</li><!--
                   <li style='width: 25%;'>Assunto</li><!--
                --><li style='width: 25%;'>Estudo</li><!--
                --><li style='width: 15%;'>Editar</li><!--
                --><li style='width: 15%;'>Excluir</li>


        $pagina = isset( $_GET[ "pagina" ] ) ? $_GET[ "pagina" ] : 1;

        $regTotal = count( $estudos );
        $regPagina = 5;
        $limite = ceil( $regTotal / $regPagina );
        $inicio = ( $pagina * $limite ) - $limite;
        $fim = ( $pagina * $limite );

        $limitacao = "LIMIT " . $inicio . "," . $fim;
        $estudosPag = $estudosDao->pesquisaEstudos( $limitacao );

        $contador = 0;

        foreach ( $estudosPag as $estudo ) {

            $backGround = $contador % 2 == 0 ? "#CCC" : "#GGG";

            $linkPagina = isset( $_GET[ "pagina" ] ) ? "&pagina=" . $_GET[ "pagina" ] : "";

            $assunto = strlen( $estudo->getAssunto() ) >= 20 ? substr( $estudo->getAssunto(), 0, 20 ) . "...": $estudo->getAssunto();
            $estudo = strlen( $estudo->getEstudo() ) >= 20 ? substr( $estudo->getEstudo(), 0, 20 ) . "...": $estudo->getEstudo();
            $dataEstudo = $phpUtil->formataData( $estudo->getDataEstudo());

            $iconeVer     = "<img src='_imgs/editar.png'>";             
            $linkVer      = "<a href='?editarEstudos&form&idEstudo=" . $estudo->getIdEstudo(). "'>" . $iconeVer . "</a>";       

            $iconeExcluir = "<img src='_imgs/excluir.png' style='width: 40px;'>";
            $linkExclui = "<a href='?editarEstudos&excluir" . $linkPagina . "&idEstudo=" . $estudo->getIdEstudo() . "'>" . $iconeExcluir . "</a>";

            $lista .= "

                <ul class=listaRegistros style='background-color:" . $backGround . "'>
                       <li style='width: 20%'>" . $dataEstudo . "</li><!--
                    --><li style='width: 25%'>" . $assunto . "</li><!--
                    --><li style='width: 25%'>" . $estudo . "</li><!--
                    --><li style='width: 15%'>" . $linkVer . "</li><!--
                    --><li style='width: 15%'>" . $linkExclui . "</li>




        $pa = $pagina - 1;
        $pp = $pagina + 1;

        if ( $pagina == 1 ) {

            $anterior = "<a href='?editarEstudos&listar&pagina=" . $limite . "'>Anterior</a>";
            $proximo = "<a href='?editarEstudos&listar&pagina=" . $pp . "'>Próxima</a>";


        if ( $pagina > 1 ) {

            $anterior = "<a href='?editarEstudos&listar&pagina=" . $pa . "'>Anterior</a>";
            $proximo = "<a href='?editarEstudos&listar&pagina=" . $pp . "'>Próxima</a>";


        if ( $pagina == $limite ) {

            $pa = $limite == 1 ? 1 : $pa;

            $anterior = "<a href='?editarEstudos&listar&pagina=" . $pa . "'>Anterior</a>";
            $proximo = "<a href='?editarEstudos&listar&pagina=1'>Próxima</a>";


        $botoes = "<div class=hCentralizado style='width: 200px;'>" . $anterior . "  // " . $proximo . "</div>";

        $lista .= $limite == 1 ? "" : $botoes;        


    return $lista;


That’s the error that I’m getting:

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getDataEstudo() on string in D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\\_classes\_mvc\_vistas\EstudosVistas.php:50
Stack trace:
#0 D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\\admin\_editar\estudo.php(7): EstudosVistas-&gt;listar(Object(EstudosDao), Object(PhpUtil))
#1 D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\\adminConteudo.php(202): require_once('D:\\Trabalhos\\ho...')
#2 D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\\admin.php(71): require_once('D:\\Trabalhos\\ho...')
#3 {main}
  thrown in <b>D:\Trabalhos\host\htdocs\\_classes\_mvc\_vistas\EstudosVistas.php</b> on line <b>50</b><br />

The error, as I understood the message, is saying that the class does not possess the methods down below:


But the class does have these methods.

Where can I be missing?

  • Lines before you did $estudo = strlen(...), which overwrites its original object by a string.

  • in this case I am handing this change only one variable. This change is perpetual? If yes. , What can I do in this case?

  • No, but it will be string until the end of the loop and you tried to access the object’s methods when it was already a string. What you can do is define different names to avoid conflict.

  • got now created a variable with the same object name!

1 answer


On that line you are transforming the $estudo in a string:

$estudo = strlen( $estudo->getEstudo() ) >= 20 ? substr( $estudo->getEstudo(), 0, 20 ) . "...": $estudo->getEstudo(); 

That is why you are giving the error because there is no function in a string, use another variable name.

  • 1

    truth this variable should not have that name which is already the name of the objects. It was that same!

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