Read line by line file


Viewed 58 times


Hello, I have a question about file reading. Well I’m starting to mess with files now, I would like to know how to read line by line a file and present these lines, already researched, but I only find explanations that mix C with C++.

  • What is the file format? It is a text file?

  • If it is in C++ use the ifstream class or fstream. Search the documentation.

  • file is format . txt

1 answer


#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>

std::ifstream arquivo( "teste.txt" );     # Seleciona o arquivo
std::string linha;                        # String linha

int main()
    while(getline(arquivo, linha))        # Enquanto houver linhas, continuará
         std::cout << linha << std::endl; # Imprime valores, linha a linha

    return 0;

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