I need help showing all the items in an array with Javascript


Viewed 464 times


I am using AXIOS to access the API and can return only the first result.

I copied only one part of the code below, but everything works perfectly when I enter the index [0].

document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = `
                    <p><b>Nome: </b> ${item.products[0].name} </p>  
                    <p><b>Preço: </b> R$ ${item.products[0].priceMin} </p>`

I’ve tried countless ways to use a for loop to show the 12 items, but there’s no way to make it work.

I believe the requisition is correct, because when I execute a console.log(item.products);I can see the 12 results.

How can I make all the results appear within HTML?

Code that is not working:

function showResults (item) {                   
            var tamanho = item.products.length;
            for (i = 0; i < tamanho; i++) {                     
            document.getElementById('results').style.display = 'block'
                document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = `
                <p><b>Nome: </b> ${item.products[i].name} </p>  
                <p><b>Preço: </b> R$ ${item.products[i].priceMin} </p> `

I am learning, so I joined what I learned with the tutorials. I don’t know if there is any nonsense.

  • 1

    You can provide an example of the returned JSON?

  • 1

    How’s the noose you’re wearing?

  • present us your tie for, maybe in it the problem

  • I just finished editing with my bow.

1 answer


The problem is that every time you see that it iterates you’re rewriting the previous content and rewriting...

Instead of using document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = you must use += to add, not replace.

That said, I suggest you use the .map or the .reduce that in my opinion are more practical for this type of tasks:

function showResults(item) {
  const html = item.products.reduce((html, product) => {
    return html + `
       <p><b>Nome: </b> ${product.name} </p>  
       <p><b>Preço: </b> R$ ${product.priceMin} </p>
  }, '');
  document.getElementById('results').style.display = 'block'
  document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = html;
  • Yesterday I forgot to mention this case: <p><b>Image: </b> <img src="${item.products[i].thumbnail.otherFormats[i]. url}" /></p> How do I access the values inside otherFormats? I’m getting Undefined.

  • @Joãofernandozanato in this case you must have another .map or for within what I have shown and use the same logic. In this case the array to iterate is product.thumbnail.otherFormats

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