Job Format does not pass constructor data to Handler


Viewed 164 times


When dispatching a job in Laravel 5.6, send parameters to it. In the constructor, the parameters are received normally, containing the data sent. However, when executing the job with the php artisan queue:work, one of the parameters is empty in Handler.

Code that dispatches the job:

public function enviar($id) {
    $evento = Evento::find($id);
    $subscribers = ParticipantesEvento::join('users', 'participantes_eventos.user_id', '=', '')
               ->select('', '')
               ->where('evento_id', '=', $evento->id)
    $certificate = Certificado::where('evento_id', '=', $evento->id)->first();

    dispatch(new SendCertificatesByEmail($subscribers, $evento, $certificate));

    return redirect()->back()->with('success', 'Processando...');

Follow the (simplified) job code:

namespace App\Jobs;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;

class SendCertificatesByEmail implements ShouldQueue {

    use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    protected $subscribers, $events, $certificate;

    public function __construct($s, $e, $c) {
        $this->subscribers = $s;
        $this->evento      = $e;
        $this->certificate = $c;

        print_r($this->subscribers);   // Tem dados
        print_r($this->evento);        // Tem dados
        print_r($this->certificate);   // Tem dados

    public function handle() {
        print_r($this->subscribers);    // VAZIO!!!
        print_r($this->evento);         // Tem dados
        print_r($this->certificate);    // Tem dados

In the Laravel documentation, it is directed to declare the variables in the job as "protected", as I am doing. Even so, I have tried using them as "public". Same problem. Moreover, only one of the variables "becomes" empty in Handler. Any hint??

  • André, put the code in which you call this job.

  • @Andrélins Editei

  • By printing the variable in the constructor: [{"name":"Andre Raubach","email":"[email protected]"},{"name":"Tester","email":"[email protected]"}] . When printing on Handler: []

  • Try to take only one item in the return of subscribers, it may be q there is a problem with array.

  • Another possibility is that if you are keeping his reference.

  • I have a project that does it without any problem, I’m trying to see if I can force this error somehow.

  • I tried to get only one item tbm. When printing inside Handler gives error (pq the empty array ta)

  • Solved! I got the solution here:

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