App Crash When Receiving Push Notification


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The app is crashing, stopping, when I get a push notification. This is happening on Android 8.0 (Oreo) or higher.

I see you’ve changed a policy, but I’m not getting it right in my code. I’m using the plugin phonegap-plugin-push in the version 1.9.1.

It gives the following error when receiving the push:

Unable do start receiver java.lang.Illegalstateexception: Not allowed to start service Intent {}

Man config.xml of Cordova is like this among other things:

<plugin name="phonegap-plugin-push" spec="1.9.2">
   <variable name="SENDER_ID" value="#"/>

And mine Androidmanifest.xml generated at build time is like this:

<receiver android:exported="true" android:name="" android:permission="">
        <action android:name="" />
        <category android:name="${applicationId}" />
<service android:exported="false" android:name="com.adobe.phonegap.push.GCMIntentService">
        <action android:name="" />
<service android:exported="false" android:name="com.adobe.phonegap.push.PushInstanceIDListenerService">
        <action android:name="" />
<service android:exported="false" android:name="com.adobe.phonegap.push.RegistrationIntentService" />
  • Good do not understand of Ordova masss, from Android 8 have various restrictions to start services in the background, roughly so if the app is not in the foreground and is called startService() you will take an exception. I suggest taking a look at this restriction, the error seems to me to be related to this

  • That’s what it looks like. But I don’t know how to solve.

  • Good as it involves Ordova I will not be able to help, but I will leave two links from when I went through something similar and helped me, and

  • So, the problem is that it is a third party plugin. I don’t know where I should change the code. Maybe it can be solved with some variables in config.xml. I tried some I found, but none worked.

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