I’m trying to do the deploy
of a container
in the Heroku
but I’m having the following mistake:
image operating system "windows" cannot be used on this platform
On the website of Heroku
have the following information:
Develop with Docker, deploy to Heroku
Use Docker for local Developer on Windows, Linux, or Mac. When you’re ready, just push your code and Dockerfile to build and deploy your Docker images to Heroku.
Which makes me think it’s possible to accomplish deploy
using an image Windows
Man Dockerfile
is as follows:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/framework/aspnet:4.7.2-windowsservercore-ltsc2019
ARG source
WORKDIR /inetpub/wwwroot
COPY ${source:-obj/Docker/publish} .
And mine heroku.yml
is as follows:
web: swagger-aspnet-docker/Dockerfile
web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
And how could I go up this server? There is no way to use another image that is not
?– Sorack
1- You can contract the service Docker entreprase https://www.docker.com/products/windows-containers
– Gabriel Sousa
2 - AWS https://aws.amazon.com/pt/windowssolutions exist/
– Gabriel Sousa
3 - You can use microsoft https://azure.microsoft.com/pt-br/services/kubernetes-service/docker’s own platform/
– Gabriel Sousa
there are several other approaches but I believe that these similar ones will be the best for you
– Gabriel Sousa
@Sorack From the image, we can see that we are talking about an ASP . NET 4.7 application, based on . NET Framework. O . NET Framework does not support Deployment on linux. It would have to port to Mono in order to validate.
– Luiz Carlos Faria
That’s what I tried to explain
– Gabriel Sousa