Good practice with Phpunit tests


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I’m starting tests, and I wanted to know if I’m following correctly, use Portable, and have had some dilemmas to develop a test of a service that I have. He does some operations in an app via API, but since I have no way to make a "mock" of this api I had to do the test "sequential" ( in production ):


namespace Tests\Feature;

use App\Exceptions\AppConnectionException;
use App\Exceptions\AppErrorException;
use App\Exceptions\AppNullException;
use App\Services\App\AppService;
use App\Services\App\Responses\Card;
use Tests\TestCase;

class AppServiceTest extends TestCase
  /** @var AppService */
  private $appService;
  /** @var int */
  private $pipeId,$destinationPhase;

  protected function setUp(): void {
    $this->appService = new AppService();
    $this->pipeId = 533822;
    $this->destinationPhase = 3656118;


   * @test
   * @throws AppConnectionException
   * @throws AppErrorException
   * @throws AppNullException
  public function test(){
    $title = 'teste '. now()->toTimeString();
    $fields = ['nome_completo'=>'igor'];

    $card = $this->appService->createCard($this->pipeId,$title,$fields);

    $card = $this->appService->showCard($card->id);
    $this->assertIsArray($card->rawData); // TODO: melhorar acerto verificando os fields criados acima

    $fielid = array_keys($fields)[0];
    $newvalue = $fielid . " updated";
    $mutation = $this->appService->updateField($card->id,$fielid,$newvalue);

    $card = $this->appService->moveCardToPhase($card->id,$this->destinationPhase);



I imagine that each test should be individual, right ? this sequence is very wrong ?

2 answers


To improve these tests it is more appropriate to separate them into several methods, so everything is more organized and it is possible to have a better sense of everything that is being tested. Follow the remade class:


namespace Tests\Feature;

use App\Exceptions\AppConnectionException;
use App\Exceptions\AppErrorException;
use App\Exceptions\AppNullException;
use App\Services\App\AppService;
use App\Services\App\Responses\Card;
use Tests\TestCase;

class AppServiceTest extends TestCase

  private $appService;
  private $pipeId;
  private $destinationPhase;
  private $card;
  private $fields;

  protected function setUp(): void

    $this->appService       = new AppService();
    $this->pipeId           = 533822;
    $this->destinationPhase = 3656118;
    $this->fields           = ['nome_completo'=>'igor'];

  public function testCardCreation(): void
     $title      = 'teste '. now()->toTimeString();
     $this->card = $this->appService->createCard($this->pipeId, $title, $this->fields);

     $this->assertInstanceOf(Card::class, $this->card);
     $this->assertEquals($title, $this->card->title);

  public function testShowCard(): void

     $card = $this->appService->showCard($this->card->id);

     $this->assertInstanceOf(Card::class, $card);
     $this->assertIsArray($card->rawData); // TODO: melhorar acerto verificando os fields criados acima

  public function testCardUpdate(): void

     $fielid   = array_keys($this->fields)[0];
     $newvalue = $fielid . " updated";
     $mutation = $this->appService->updateField($this->card->id, $fielid, $newvalue);


  public function testCardMove(): void

     $card = $this->appService->moveCardToPhase($this->card->id, $this->destinationPhase);

     $this->assertInstanceOf(Card::class, $card);
     $this->assertEquals($card->currentPhase['id'], $this->destinationPhase);




Start by dividing the test into smaller tests to make it easier to visualize:

public function testCreate(){
    // code

  public function testShowCard(){
    // code

  public function testUpdateField(){
    // code
  function testMoveCard(){
    // code

From there you start to define attributes for your test class, and to define them, create a function called setUp (she will be called before each test).

If in doubt, always remember: each function should be responsible for testing A functionality of the project. Here it becomes easier to verify in which functionality the error occurred. And read the documentation of the PHPUnit and of Laravel to improve the tests.

Good studies ;)

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