Error while passing index of an array


Viewed 26 times


Good night.

I believe my problem is simple, but I found nothing to cure it.

I’m doing a CRUD in PHP, using MVC, to learn how the language works. It turns out that the Mysql database works with date in yyy-mm-dd format and the date the user passes is dd/mm/yyyy. So far so good, the problem is that when I get the "data" field in my array, an error is returned saying that the index does not exist. Follow prints with explanation below.

Formulário HTML, onde consta o campo "cliente['data_nasc_cliente']" e chama a função insere.

Função insere, onde o erro é disparado.

Erro que me é apresentado.

Image 1: HTML form, which contains the "client['data_nasc_client']" field and calls the insert function.

Image 2: Function inserts, where the error is triggered.

Image 3: Error presented to me.

1 answer


You want to access a method that is not available for the variable: $_cliente['data_nasc_cliente'].



To format a date you first need to build a date object:

$data = new DateTime($_cliente['data_nasc_cliente']) ;
$_cliente['data_nasc_cliente'] =  $data->format("Y-m-d");
  • It makes sense, but still the problem persists. Note that the error is "Undefined index".

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