Intermediate relationship between two Laravel tables


Viewed 205 times


Good evening I have the following tables in my application.




I need to carry out the relationship, in a third table among the Donations and Institutions who are interested in the donation, which in my view would be in the following architecture.

id doacao_id  instituicao_id
1   20          5
2   20          6
3   25          7

PS: This table will only be for the donor (owner of the donation) see which institutions are interested, and he selects only one, other records of the same donation will be deleted...

how should I make this relationship in the Latin?

1 answer


Kasio, it’s actually quite simple to do the relationships in the Aravel, so let’s go.

The relationship that you want and that makes all logical sense to your problem is Many to Many

N:M -> Many To Many (Muitos para Muitos)

It would look like :D

Model - Institution


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Instituicao extends Model
     * Definindo que instituição possui várias doações.
    public function doacoes()
       return $this->belongsToMany('App\Doacoes', 'doacao_instituicao', 'instituicao_id', 'doacao_id');

Model - Donations


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Doacao extends Model
     * Definindo que doação possui várias instituições.
    public function instituicoes()
       return $this->belongsToMany('App\instituicoes', 'doacao_instituicao', 'doacao_id', 'instituicao_id');

Ready now you have finished the relationship Many to Many :D

In his Controller you can use the following way to access the relationship

$instituicao = App\Instituicao::find(1);

foreach ($instituicao->doacoes as $doacao) {


$doacoes = App\Instituicao::find(1)->doacoes()->orderBy('nome')->get();
//Lembrando que você pode fazer o inverso também :D


The Laravel followed a standard of naming tables and foreign key for your relationships.

To define this relationship, three database tables are required: instituicoes, doacoes, e doacao_instituicao. To doacao_instituicao table is derived from the alphabetical order of the related template names and contains the columns doacao_id and instituicao_id.

  • Did using the L5-Repository it wouldn’t be easier for him?

  • 1

    Just to make an observation l5-repositorio is a layer above, it needs the relationships to be correct and this is done in the model. @Tiagoferezin and the answer is this same.

  • 1

    Thanks for the answer! I resolved so I had to do another gambit to not insert repeated lines example.. same donation id with same institution id... As to recover the relationship I have not yet made but will be displayed was relationship only to the "owner" of the donation............ I’m using the i5 Repository package

  • @Virgilionovicisto da para ser feito no I5 Repository tb

  • @Kasioeduardo avoid sniffing around the codes, otherwise maintenance becomes complicated later.

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