How to create and deploy masks for CPF, CNPJ, Data and Values?


Viewed 3,540 times


I tried to follow some examples of masks but I could not integrate in my code... someone could help me?

<table style="width: 100%" border="0">
        <tr style="text-align: left;">
            <th>Data</th> // Data ta retornando assim: 2019-03-28T00:00:00
            <th>Valores</th> // Valores esta retornando assim: 4688.86
            <th>CPF</th> // Mascara para CPF
            <th>CNPJ</th> // Mascara para CNPJ



    foreach ($json_data["Result"] as $data) {
    foreach ($data["CreditData"][0]["Occurrences"][0]["Details"] as $details) {

        echo '<tr>';
        echo '<td>' .$details["ExpiringDate"].'</td>'; // preciso da data 01/01/2019
        echo '<td> R$: ' .$details["Value"].'</td>'; // preciso do valor R$ 111.111.111,00
        echo '<td> R$: ' .$details["cpf"].'</td>'; //  Retornando CPF
        echo '<td> R$: ' .$details["cnpj"].'</td>'; // Retornando CNPJ
        echo '</tr>';

In case of value my return line is:

// echo '<br>Valor Total em Ocorrencias: R$ ' .$data["CreditData"][0]["TotalDebts"]; 
echo number_format($data["CreditData"][0]["TotalDebts"], 2, ",", ".");

But it didn’t work, the disabled line works my return R $ 111111111.00

2 answers


You need three types of masks:


function mask($val, $mask) {
    $maskared = '';
    $k = 0;
    for($i = 0; $i<=strlen($mask)-1; $i++) {
        if($mask[$i] == '#') {
            if(isset($val[$k])) $maskared .= $val[$k++];
        } else {
            if(isset($mask[$i])) $maskared .= $mask[$i];
    return $maskared;

$cpf = mask($details["cpf"], '###.###.###-##');
$cnpj = mask($details["cnpj"], '##.###.###/####-##');


number_format($details["Value"], 2, ",", ".");


$data = date('d/m/y', strtotime($details["ExpiringDate"]));


For the date, you can use this code date('d/m/Y', strtotime('2019-03-28T00:00:00'));, if the date is coming to you with string.

I believe this link will help you build the numeric values you need: Masks in PHP

  • Gabriel Roberto.. was worth the tip.... Date and Time I managed to put the Mascara.... but for the value not achieve... I edited my question for the friend view how is my value return line...

  • @Marcosrs, checks what type of value is being returned, you may need to convert the value to float, if it is a string, for this you can use the floatval function()

  • Gabriel, I got it... it worked. Tell me something and to put mask in zip code and phone? has an example...different from the example of the site the friend indicated, or can I follow the same logic as the CPF? $cep = Mask($Details["cep"], '#####.###');

  • Can follow the same logic of Cpf even, it is good that you already have the function ready.

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