Hello, in my system I have a model Photogallerycategory that has a self relationship. To make my life easier in the create (controller Resource) method, I added a parameter to receive the parent category id. If father is null, it means that that category has no father and it would be root.
I deleted the create method from the Resource route and added a new one by passing the optional parameter to the method. If I enter the route and pass the parameter, it works normally, if I do not pass parameter I am directed to the show method. The /create is understood as a parameter.
Below is my code for this situation:
Route::resource('/galleryCategory', 'PhotoGalleryCategoryController')->except(['create']);
Route::get('/galleryCategory/create/{category?}', 'PhotoGalleryCategoryController@create')->name('galleryCategory.create');
public function create($id = null)
$entity = null;
$fields = 'app.models.photoGalleryCategory.categoryCreateEdit';
$action = 'galleryCategory.store';
$parent = $this->repository->show($id);
return view('app.templates.form', compact('entity', 'fields', 'action', 'parent'));
Does anyone know how to avoid this problem?
then the same thing would not happen but with the store method?
– Marcel
Not because the store method by default receives a request as parameter, but the show method receives only an ID which in the case is what you are passing.
– Kayo Bruno