Fill in input according to other input response


Viewed 527 times


Good afternoon, I have the following code in my locker:

  <div class="form-group col-sm-6">
        <label class="control-label">{{ trans('app.select_client')}} <span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
            <select ng-model="cliente" class="form-control" name="cliente" id="cliente" required ng-init="cliente = '{{ old('cliente') }}'">
            <option value="">{{ trans('app.select_client')}} </option>  
                @foreach($clientes as $data)
                     <option value="{{$data->id}}">{{$data->nomeCliente}}</option>


<div class="form-group col-sm-12">
     <label class="control-label" >{{ trans('app.for')}}<span class="spancolor">*</span> </label>
     <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" id="contato" ng-model="contato" name="contato" ng-init="contato='{{ old('contato') }}'" placeholder="{{ trans('app.contato')}}" required>     

<div class="form-group col-sm-12">
    <label class="control-label" >{{ trans('')}}<span class="spancolor">*</span> </label>         
    <input type="text" class="form-control" value="" id="cc" ng-model="cc" name="cc" ng-init="cc='{{ old('cc') }}'" placeholder="{{ trans('')}}" required>                            

I need to make the input id="contact" display the email of the selected client in select id="client"

My function in the controller

function getContatos(Request $request){

        $value = $request->get('value');
        $contatos = DB::table('clients')->select('contatos')->where('id', $value)->get();
        $cc = DB::table('clients')->select('cc')->where('id', $value)->get();
        echo $contatos;
        echo $cc;

        //return view('dashboard.dashboard_user',compact('contatos','cc')); 


When I put the error Return What I need to return and show in the view is $contacts and $cc

$('select[name=cliente]').change(function () {

  var value = $(this).val();
  var _token = $('input[name="_token"]').val();
        url:"{{ route('cliente.getContatos') }}",
        data:{value:value, _token:_token},


view function

Route::post('getContatos', 'DashboardController@getContatos')->name('cliente.getContatos');



namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Client extends Model
        protected $table = 'clients';
        protected $fillable = ['nomeCliente', 'contatos', 'cc', 'obscontatos', 'horarioInicial', 'horarioFinal', 'observacao', 'analistapreferencial', 'servicos'];
        protected $casts = [
             'cc' => 'array', 'obscontatos' => 'array', 'contatos' => 'array',


Model de Clients

  • 1

    In vdd I think you will have to use AJAX to get the client name and do this if with javascript.

  • Have you ever used auxiliary variable? always save the previous name in the course of cilclo ?

  • Good morning, could explain better the pq to have the second foreach running the same array. I couldn’t understand, maybe explaining better I can help you.

  • In the first input I go through the array to get {{$data->client name}} and in the second the value of {{$data->contacts}}

  • Only there in the second input I need to compare {{$data->client name}} with the value of the first input.

  • @Viniciusdejesus the client name I can already pick up and show in javascript, but I don’t know how I will access the $clients array in java script to scan.

  • @Lorena in my reply wanted you to post how comes the return of the request, in the console.log() I put

  • @Joanmarcos jquery.js:10261 GET http://localhost/monitoring/public/getContacts? value=1&_token=wfzBV0Yzb2r2E6GPuTVeWJjLBhibMVPf7ozT7HS 500 (Internal Server Error)

  • @Lorena has a way to log the error message ? to see what really went wrong

  • @Joanmarcos {,... } Exception: "Illuminate Database Queryexception" file: "C: xampp htdocs vendor monitoring Laravel framework src Illuminate Database Connection.php" line: 664 message: "SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'contacts, cc' in 'field list' (SQL: select contatos, cc from clients Where id = 3)" trace: [{,... }, {,... }, {,... }, {,... },...]

  • @Joanmarcos I don’t understand because, the connection with the bank and the columns are correct.

  • put your clients model :D

  • @Joanmarcos Inseri na descrição da pergunta.

  • Let’s go continue this discussion in chat. @Lorena

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2 answers


In fact it is quite quiet to carry out such barbarism, come on the/


$(document).on("change", "#cliente", function () {
 var value = $(this).val();
 var _token = $('input[name="_token"]').val();
     url:"{{ route('cliente.getContatos') }}",
     data:{value:value, _token:_token},
       console.log(result)//exibir o resultado da pesquisa no controller


Change of post for get (get pq you will only query the database and no change or insertion)

Route::get('getContatos', 'DashboardController@getContatos')->name('cliente.getContatos');


public function getContatos(Request $request) 
   $value = $request->get('value');

   $dadosCliente = DB::table('clients')
                       ->where('id', $value)

  return response()->json($dadosCliente);


I suggest you use an ajax using the event onChange() in select of clients. Below is an example:

<div id="respostaAjax"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
        data: $(this).val(),
        url: 'link/que/pesquisa/os/contatos/para/este/cliente.php'
        success: function(data){

After adding a <div> who had received the response of the ajax which in this case will be a select containing the contact details of the client you selected earlier. Any doubt I edit the answer to adapt to your need. Explain your need better so others can help you too.

  • I did it this way, but the value that goes to my response input is the value of select id="client" and no, the mail of the client as wish, the client’s email is already being returned in the browser, just could not return it to view yet.

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