I don’t have much knowledge of regex, so I got this rule ready.
$break_title = preg_replace('/(?<=\>)\b\w*\b|^\w*\b/', '<span>$0</span>', $title);
return $break_title;
The problem is that it does not recognize the cedilla, so the string below:
construções importantes
Stay like this:
<span>constru</span>ções importantes
Can you explain what the pattern is? What are the values that
can have? The special and particular characteristics of each language do not really fit in the regex that has.– Sergio
@Sergio Title values will be dynamic. So I have to predict the use of accented letters and with cedilla.
– marcelo2605
Have you tested
?– Sergio
@Sergio Which part should I replace?
– marcelo2605
Perhaps this is enough: http://ideone.com/ABs2z5 is what you are looking for?
– Sergio
@Sergio worked! And it was much simpler huh. Put as answer.
– marcelo2605