Publish app in Xamarin for Android 5 on Google Play


Viewed 225 times


Google Play is not allowing me to publish an application that runs on Android less than 8.0. I am using the following settings:

  • Compile using Android version: 8.1
  • Minimum Android version: 5.0
  • Target Android version: Use Compile using SDK version

Is some wrong configuration?

2 answers



The problem was in Target Android version which cannot be "Use Compile using SDK version", should be set the explicit version of Android, in this case, 26 or higher.


That’s right, the minimum version currently is 8, you will not be able to send apps with previous versions.


Every APK has a targetSdkVersion in the manifest file, also known as the desired level of the API. This version informs how your app runs on different versions of Android.

Setting up the app to target recent API levels ensures users will see improvements in security and performance. At the same time, the app can run on older versions of Android (up to minSdkVersion).

The APK sent by you needs to meet Google Play API level requirements. See the levels that apps need to target today and in the future.

Android 8.0 API level requirement (API level 26)

1º de agosto de 2018: necessário para novos apps
1º de novembro de 2018: necessário para atualizações de apps

Android 9 (API level 28)

1º de agosto de 2019: necessário para novos apps
1º de novembro de 2019: necessário para atualizações de apps

After these requirements take effect, Play Console will prevent sending new Apks through desired levels of older Apis.

Tip: For technical guidance on how to change the desired level of your app’s API to meet these requirements, see the migration guide.


  • I saw it, but it talks "At the same time, the app can run on older versions of Android", I mean, it implies that it is possible to use in version 7, 6,... . The only solution I found was to increase the minimum version to 8, but the people who will use have old cell phones.

  • So Afonso is a little confused even, but I understood that you will not be able to send the app, but try the following : minSdkVersion 21 and targetSdkVersion 26. if it doesn’t really work is blocked sending

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