How to take an input value and manipulate in Behind


Viewed 1,137 times


Guys with a difficulty where I need to take the value of a text input and manipulate it in the aspx page’s Cs. I am using repeater to add the data to the table, but while trying to pull the input data I am not succeeding...


 <input type="text" id="dinheiro" name="dinheiro" /> 


namespace GerencialWeb
    public partial class ReceitasPeriodicas : System.Web.UI.Page

        public class Fluxo
            public DateTime data { get; set; }
            public double valor { get; set; }


        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            double valort = Request["dinheiro"];

            List<Fluxo> ListaFluxo = new List<Fluxo>();            
            ListaFluxo.Add(new Fluxo() { valor = variavel do request  ,data = DateTime.Now });

            this.rptFluxo.DataSource = ListaFluxo;


Note: The value that enters the input has a function that transforms it into value (Currency): A js Mask. (Even the pure value without Mask, has already been tested and also unsuccessful.). someone has some idea of what to do?

  • put what you did on the page!

  • I edited the . Cs page there!

1 answer


I think you just need to put one runat="server" in its input:

<input type="text" id="dinheiro" name="dinheiro" runat="server"/>

And so, you can get the content of the control here:

string myStringFromTheInput = dinheiro.Value;

And so on:

public partial class ReceitasPeriodicas : System.Web.UI.Page
    public class Fluxo
        public DateTime data { get; set; }
        public double valor { get; set; }

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        string myStringFromTheInput = dinheiro.Value;
        double valort = double.Parse(myStringFromTheInput);

        List<Fluxo> ListaFluxo = new List<Fluxo>();            
        ListaFluxo.Add(new Fluxo() { valor = valort, data = DateTime.Now });

        this.rptFluxo.DataSource = ListaFluxo;

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