I can send the email correctly but, the email goes unsigned from the sender email, and I’m not finding how to resolve.
$emails = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'];
$copias = ['[email protected]', '[email protected]'];
Mail::send('dashboard.teste', ['curso' => 'Eloquent'], function($m) use ($emails, $assunto, $copias)
$m->to($emails)->subject($assunto)->from("[email protected]", "Remetente")->cc($copias, "email cópia");
Code from the Dashboard.
teste {{$curso}}
I didn’t quite understand what you meant by "keep email signature from sender", can explain me?
My email has a signature with my name, phone and email for example, the email sent via application using this function goes without the signature. I could tell?
– Lorena
@Lorena please update the question and put to Lade
– Bulfaitelo
@Updated bulfaitelo.
– Lorena