I have a code that represents a checkerboard (8x8 matrix):
print(f'ATENÇÃO: ')
print(f'Insira 0 nas posições vazias do tabuleiro;')
print(f'Insira 1 nas posições das peças pretas e 11 para as damas pretas;')
print(f'Insira 2 nas posições de peças vermelhas e 22 para damas vermelhas.')
print(" ")
def gerarmatriz(l, c, matriz):
for i in range (l):
linha = []
for j in range (c):
y = input("peça da posição {} {}: ".format(chr(65+i),j+1))
gerarmatriz(8, 8, matriz)
print ('---' *20)
and I wanted to know a way to read the amount of times that the numbers 1, 11, 2 and 22 are inserted by the 'user' because they represent the checkers game pieces.
and I also gave an improved input
– Johnatan Licar
The problem of its approach would be the need for it to be done with several matrices to be "processed" in a next step. Aside from the fact that using global variables itself is a bad idea.
– Sidon