How to capture errors and exceptions to send to BD with PHP?


Viewed 405 times


How can we capture all errors and exceptions generated at runtime in PHP, sending to the database to later make an organized log page?

Currently I redirect all requests to index.php, treating the URL in a friendly way with a MVC model, so in this case it would be possible to register some function/callback directly in index.php avoiding having to call this function/callback in all files, classes and functions?

  • 1

    I believe it would be best to send to a . html file that you have access to, to serve as a log. I say this because in theory, problems with the database may also occur.

  • What have you tried so far? You can already use flow control expressions like try..catch?

  • Using the Try catch block will not capture syntax errors or fatal errors.

  • What do you want to log? Error type 404.. , Error SQL (type SELCT FROM TAB), PHP error type parameters missing etc. everything? Because it needs different "tactic". It also depends on the server. Are you in "local", with a dedicated server or with a server 'Mutual'? Ah a VERY important point to answer: the version of PHP you use.

  • What is the difference between this question and your previous question? The most voted answer there responds to this one too. I’m closing as duplicate as we clarify this, ok?

1 answer


Caution: minimum PHP 5.2


 // ========================
  // Log PHP
 // ========================

 // Chamada quando vai ter Error
 function call_fatal_handler()

     // Déf.
     $err_file = "nao_sei";
     $err_str  = "shutdown";
     $err_no   = E_CORE_ERROR;
     $err_line = 0;

     // Qual e a ultima error?
     $error = error_get_last();

     // Se tem, podems ler dados
     if( $error !== NULL)
         $err_no   = $error["type"];        // Tipo
         $err_file = $error["file"];    // O documento
        $err_line = $error["line"];     // a linha
        $err_str  = $error["message"];  // o mensagem de error

        // Aqui, podemos criar um email, salvar um BDD, ....
        $content = call_format_error( $err_no, $err_str, $err_file, $err_line );
        echo "<br>".$content;

 function call_format_error( $errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline )

   $trace = print_r( debug_backtrace( false ), true );

   $content = "<b>Error: </b>".$errstr."<br>\n";
   $content .= "<b>Errno: </b>".$errno."<br>\n";
   $content .= "<b>File: </b>".$errfile."<br>\n";
   $content .= "<b>Line: </b>".$errline."<br>\n";
   $content .= "<b>Trace: </b><pre>".$trace."</pre><br>\n";

   return $content;
 register_shutdown_function( "call_fatal_handler" );

 echo "Ola";
 //$a = strstr();
 echo "Display".$a;         // $a nao tem definiçao


I forgot a VERY important point, if instead of displaying the result, you try to insert a BDD, it won’t work. Because as the function is called at the end of the script, at this point the connection to the database is closed. The solution is to make another "sql_open" before your INSERT.

  • If that function has an error, then it would generate a loop infinite of errors? For example, the variable $content is being concatenated without being declared, it would not generate a NOTICE?

  • Exactly!! I made the modification. Thank you.

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