Hello, I have a PHP file that sends data from my HTML folder via Email. Only that I would like to send attachments also(resume)because it is a page of "Work with us". I’ve seen plenty of tutorials around, but I can’t always understand :( , here’s the PHP code of the current form.
$nome = $_POST['nome'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$cargo = $_POST['cargo'];
$cpf = $_POST['cpf'];
$foto = $_POST['foto'];
$msg = $_POST['txt'];
$to ="[email protected]";
$subject = "Contato - Trabalhe Conosco";
$body = "Nome: ".$nome."\n".
"Email: ".$email."\n".
"Cargo Pretendido: ".$cargo."\n".
"Cpf: ".$cpf."\n".
"Foto: ".$foto."\n\n".
"Mensagem: \n".$msg."\n";
$header = "From:test@test"."\r\n"."Reply-to:"
echo "Email enviado com sucesso !";
echo "O email nПлкo pode ser enviado, tente novamente mais tarde";