Apache Tomcat Eclipse Java IDE


Viewed 160 times


Hello, I’m having a problem with booting my Tomcat server, first he accused that problem of "Localhost already in use", after searching about I changed the ports and he climbed the server for a certain time, and soon this message appeared again but with the new doors that I had set, and in that it no longer works any more, I tried to close the processes by cmd that refer to the same doors and nothing.. Does anyone know if inside the IDE has anything to shut down or something?

From now on, thank you.

1 answer


Good Afternoon,

Usually this happens when you are running more than one instance of the program at the same time.

For example: You have climbed an application, tested and crashed into an Exception but you have not paused the server, if you are going to run the application again, will give this error.

A good test to do is: If you are running in windows, when giving this error, start the task manager and check if you have a javaw process running, if you have, finish it "in the hand" and run your program again.

A good practice is to always stop the application server within the eclipse between these tests and validations.

The server option is in the Servers tab, if it does not appear for you search for Servers in Quick Access.

Tab Servers

In the upper right corner you have the options to enter debug, start and pause mode (where it goes down the doors).

Process of javaw running Processo javaw

I went up an application using the same door I made the mistake:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I stopped the server for the eclipse and it worked.

  • Thank you for your reply. However, when I enter the task manager, there is no javaw.exe, only the eclipse running and nothing else, so I believe it is problems with the ports.

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