Glassfish Parando


Viewed 127 times


Friends, I’m facing a problem. Out of nowhere, my apps stop working.

I use Glassfish 4.1.1, running on an AWS server, with 4 published applications, 3 Java web applications and 1 web service application. All applications are running normally when suddenly out of nowhere they stop with no error log in Glassfish logs. Simply stop.

To get back to work, I need to restart Glassfish.

This AWS server has 2 cores with 4GB RAM, but in my monitoring, RAM works at most with 65% of its total capacity. CPU usage also works at a maximum of 45% of its capacity.

On the same server I run Mysql. The configuration for Mysql is:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1932735283

max_connections         = 302

wait_timeout            = 10800

interactive_timeout     = 100

However Mysql does not stop working.

Regarding Glassfish, the settings I use are:



Please, could someone help me with this problem? Thank you very much

  • The first step would be to enable the logging of Glassfish and the applications to see what is happening, without this it is kind of difficult

  • @md_rss, thank you so much for your return. Unfortunately my knowledge with Glassfish is very low and I don’t know how to do these procedures. Please, could you help me?

1 answer


Check the logs and post here, should be on: /YOUR_GLASSFISH_INSTALL/glassfish/domains/domain1/logs/

If you don’t have logs you can enable, or increase the log level:

Configuration -> Server Config -> Logger Settings.

Then select: 'Logger Levels'.

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Note: The different log levels in order are:


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