Typeerror: Ord() expected a Character, but string of length 2 found


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    if ord(c) >= ord('A') and ord(c) <= ord('z'):
TypeError: ord() expected a character, but string of length 2 found

I’m trying to create a Cipher matching algorithm, but I have a problem with the painting ord, which tells me that I am providing a 2-character string instead of a character, but in reality it is not. I am using the following loop to iterate through the string message:

for c in message:
    if ord(c) >= ord('A') and ord(c) <= ord('z'):

I know the error is in this instruction, because if I modify it to:

if c >= 'A' and c <= 'z':

the program is executed.

c in the loop is a character, and A or z are also, that’s why I don’t understand where the problem is.

This is the full function code:

def encrypt(message, i=0): 
    emsg = ""
    for c in message:
        # to be decrypted, the character has to be in the range ["A", "z"]
        if ord(c) >= ord('A') and ord(c) <= ord('z'): #
                # Managing the case between upper and lower cases.
                # Either if 'i' is negative or positive,
                # the current letter is always replaced with
                # a letter which can be found after it,
                # in the ASCII encoding (in my case).
                if ord(c) + i > 90 and ord(c) + i < 97: # [91, 96]
                    dif = (ord(c) + i) - 90 # positions remaining
                    emsg += chr(97 + dif - 1)
                    print("First if")
                elif ord(c) + i > ord('z'): # ]122, - ]
                    dif = (ord(c) + i) - ord('z') # positions remaining
                    emsg += chr(ord('A') + dif - 1) # adds difference starting from 65
                    print("first elif")
                elif ord(c) + i < ord('A'): # [ - , 65[
                    dif = ord('A') - (ord(c) + i) # positions remaining
                    emsg += chr(ord('z') - dif - 1)
                    print("second elif")

                else: # simple case where we just advance the letter
                    emsg += chr(ord(c) + i)

        else: # It's not a normal char.
            emsg += c
            print("not a normal char.")

    return emsg

print(encrypt(',bc', 1))
  • I cannot reproduce this error: In [5]: message = "whatever"&#xA;&#xA;In [6]: for c in message:&#xA; ...: if ord('A') <= ord(c) <= ord('z'):&#xA; ...: print("yes")&#xA; ...:

  • Again no mistake, both with python 2.7 and 3. The only thing I changed was the condition for: if ord('A') <= ord(c) <= ord('Z') and ord('a') <= ord(c) <= ord('z'): since the letas are not contained in the ascii table.

  • very strange indeed, here rotates normally :(

  • Have you tried printing c and see what comes? By the way, what operating system are you running on? And what encoding from your source file? (rather unlikely - in particular in Python 3 - but it may be that what appears to be 1 character for you internally is 2, by difference of encodings)

  • In fact it is difficult to reproduce the problem... Windows ran normally, and ideone (which I assume is Linux) also.

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1 answer


I had to revise and slightly modify my function, and now, miraculously, it works. For anyone who wants, this is the complete code (if anyone finds bugs, let me know):

def encrypt(message, i=0): 
    emsg = ""
    for c in message:
        if (ord('A') <= ord(c) <= ord('Z')) or (ord('a') <= ord(c) <= ord('z')): # [A, Z] U [a, z]
                # Managing the case between upper and lower cases.
                if (ord(c) + i) > 90 and (ord(c) + i) < 97: # [91, 96] of no chars.
                    if i > 0: # i is replaced with a lower case letter (bigger ASCII number)
                        dif = ord(c) + i - 90
                        emsg += chr(97 + dif - 1)
                    elif i < 0: # i is replaced with a upper case letter (smaller ASCII number)
                        dif = 97 - (ord(c) + i)# positions remaining
                        emsg += chr(90 - abs(dif) + 1)
                elif ord(c) + i > ord('z'): # ]122, - ]
                    dif = (ord(c) + i) - ord('z') # positions remaining
                    emsg += chr(ord('A') + dif - 1) # adds difference starting from 65
                elif ord(c) + i < ord('A'): # [ - , 65[
                    dif = ord('A') - (ord(c) + i) # positions remaining
                    emsg += chr(ord('z') - (dif - 1))
                else: # simple case
                    emsg += chr(ord(c) + i)       
        else: # It's not a normal char.
            emsg += c

    return emsg

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