Problem with Select and PHP


Viewed 38 times


I’m making a form where the person selects the Item 1, when selecting it another select appears with the categories of this item 1. The problem is when it has more than 1 item, as it is taking the select of the last category envés to pick the selected category. I tried some fixes but none worked.

This is the SELECT code:

<?php $procura_cursos = $site->query("SELECT * FROM cursos");
if ($procura_cursos->rowCount() <=0) {

    while ($curso = $procura_cursos->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
        $procura_tumas = $site->query("SELECT * FROM turmas WHERE curso = '$curso->chns' AND inscricoes ='ativo'");
        if ($procura_tumas->rowCount() <=0) {?>
            <div class="col-md-6 selection tipo<?echo$curso->chns;?>" style="display: none;">
                <label>Sem Horário Disponível para o Curso</label>
            <div class="col-md-6 selection tipo<?echo$curso->chns;?>" style="display: none;">
                <label for="turma">Escolha os Horários Disponíveis</label>
                <select class="seleciona form-control" name="turma">
                    <option disabled>Selecione o Dia</option>
                    <?while ($turmas = $procura_tumas->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                        <option value="<?php echo$turmas->chns; ?>"><?php echo $turmas->turma; ?></option>

This is the SCRIPT code:

<?php $procura_cursos = $site->query("SELECT * FROM cursos");
if ($procura_cursos->rowCount() <=0) {

    while ($curso = $procura_cursos->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
        $procura_tumas = $site->query("SELECT * FROM turmas WHERE curso = '$curso->chns' AND inscricoes ='ativo'");
        if ($procura_tumas->rowCount() <=0) {?>

                $("select#curso").change(function() {
                    <?while ($turmas = $procura_tumas->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                        if ($(this).val() == "<?echo$curso->chns;?>") {
                            $(".tipo<?echo$curso->chns;?>").css("display", "block").fadeIn();
                            $procura_cursos0 = $site->query("SELECT * FROM cursos where chns != '$curso->chns'");
                            if ($procura_cursos0->rowCount() <=0) {

                                while ($curso0 = $procura_cursos0->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
                                    $procura_tumas0 = $site->query("SELECT * FROM turmas WHERE curso != '$curso0->chns' AND inscricoes ='ativo'");
                                    if ($procura_tumas0->rowCount() <=0) {

                                        while ($turmas0 = $procura_tumas0->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {?>
                                            $(".tipo<?echo$curso0->chns;?>").css("display", "none").fadeOut();
} ?>

1 answer


On the onchange you have to pick up the id that was selected.

var id = $('#id_do_select'). val();

and from then on you will treat according to the id that was selected.

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