STR_REPLACE with Array


Viewed 35 times


How do I exchange the space for %20 with values that come from an Array? I got this far by following examples, but it keeps going wrong:

foreach ($jsonArr['data'] as $row) {
    $nome[] = $row['artist']['name']; //artista
    $titulo[] = $row['title'];//nome da música
    $musica[] = $row['preview'];//audio de 30 segundos
    $album[] = $row['album']['cover_xl'];//foto do album 
    $titulo2 = str_replace(array(' ', '%20'), '', $titulo);
    echo $titulo2; }

I need this to put in the url of another API

1 answer


I’ll leave the solution here, you can help someone.

$i = 0;
foreach ($jsonArr['data'] as $row) {
    $nome[] = $row['artist']['name']; //artista
    $titulo[] = $row['title'];//nome da música
    $musica[] = $row['preview'];//audio de 30 segundos
    $album[] = $row['album']['cover_xl'];//foto do album 
    $titulo2 = str_replace(' ', '%20', $titulo[$i]);
    echo $titulo2;

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