Eclipse IDE error


Viewed 161 times


Hello, folks. Can anyone tell me what those bugs are? It also says "String cannot be resolved to a type", could be problems with the JDK version?

Print da tela com os erros

1 answer


I believe your project can’t find the JRE runtimes. This would be java.lang.String and other java types. * generate this error.

If this is the case configure the JRE in Eclipse:

Once Eclipse starts click Window->Preferences:

Painel do Eclipse Windows->Preferences

Select Install Java/JRE in left pane, and press the button Adicionar... on the right panel Instalando JRE

On the wizard page select "Standard VM" and press Next. Assistente de instalação JRE

Press directory...

Assistente de configuração de instalação

Select the path to JDK’s.

Asistente de pastas

Note: If the machine is Win32, the missing installation path will be C:\Arquivos de Programas\Java\jdk[versão]

On the next page check the JRE’s number and whether the system libraries have been properly recognized by Eclipse itself. Then click Finish.

Definições do JRE

Check if the JRE entry in the list is correctly created and then press OK.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • 1

    Oops, it worked! I was putting all the JDK’s, then it worked on 11. Thanks!

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