IBM Watson + Java


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package dino_post_java;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * @author Matheus Markies
public class Text_Robot extends Thread{

    public static ArrayList<String> KeyWords = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void run(){

    //JSONObject vcap =new JSONObject(System.getenv("VCAP_SERVICES"));

   NaturalLanguageClassifier service = new NaturalLanguageClassifier();
    service.setUsernameAndPassword("<username>", "<password>");

    ClassifyOptions classifyOptions = new ClassifyOptions.Builder()
        .text("Is it sunny?")
    Classification classification = service.classify(classifyOptions).execute();




I’m not getting the Naturallanguageclassifier. When I try to run the program it turns the error below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I tried to use VCAP_SERVICES.json as shown in this website

But I didn’t get any results.

When I try to access the link using the user and password I put, it says that the user and password are wrong. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Can someone help me!

1 answer


Step 1:

According to the error message, you are not passing your credentials correctly Exception in thread "Thread-5" ... Access denied due to invalid credentials.

Try to perform the steps according to your own watson documentation:

Step 1: Log in, create the service, and get your credentials

If you already know your credentials for the Natural service instance Language Classifier, ignore this step.

  • Go to Natural Language Classifier and sign up for a free account or log in to the IBM Cloud account.
  • After logging in, on the Natural Language Classifier page, type Classifier-tutorial in the Service name field to identify this instance of the service and click Create.
  • Copy your credentials:
    • to. Click on Service credentials.
    • b. Click View credentials in the "Service credentials section".
    • c. Copy the values username and password.

Step 2:

The error is also indicating that it may be a failure to specify the endpoint. Check if it is correct and according to the API of Watson

Step 3:

It can be of great help to check open-source code of users who have already implemented such cited functions as an example: NaturalLanguageClassifier javaSDK

Step 4:

If it still doesn’t work check the error logs and lines of code where errors are appearing.

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