Pick dynamic variable


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I am making a script so that when client click on one of the colors that the product has.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

the product next to change the photo. However, as it is a precise photo array that each id contains a different name. Then inside the product loop add the photo the id:



I can’t get him to take this id with the complement of the variable ex: trocarimg1 - trocarimg2 ... My javascript code is as follows:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

here where I call the variable Document.getElementById("trocarimg") would need that in the trocarimg the same code appeared as the variable inside the array. If you need more information, just ask. Thank you.

  • 2

    Have you tried document.getElementById("trocarimg"+i)?

  • Hi Sam, I think I’ve even tried. It returns me the following error Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot set Property 'src' of null I know it must be something very small but since I’m not very good of JS (I’m studying) I can’t see the problem.

  • is executed before or after the elements? If it is before, it will actually give that error that you even quoted.

  • Displays the code that creates/defines the element with the class trocarimg

  • Another thing, don’t use a function inside a loop that doesn’t work.

  • For tests I left everything on the same page, for example. I have all html+php above this javascript code. I don’t know if that answers your question. Here’s the full code link

  • Hello Matheus, I’ve created a Pastebin for this. code, thanks for the reply for now.

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2 answers


You are doing wrong by placing a function inside a loop for. This tie seems to me to be quite unnecessary, including.

Just use the normal function and concatenate the argument i in id of the element:

function img(i){
   document.getElementById("trocarimg"+i).src = // resto do código

Where the i is a number that should be sent by clicking. For example:

  • Hi Sam, I tested this way, but I would need the loop to be able to search inside the array for the position of the photo _ Document.getElementById("trocarimg"). src = '/images/'+string_array[i]['filename'];_ for her filename. I also have a problem with her only changing the photo of the first _id("trocarimg").

  • The value of i already finds position in array. No need for loop.

  • Right, I’m almost haha. I managed to get index from the array on id="trocarimg{{$i}}" along with the JS function that you taught me up there, the only problem is still I find in Document.getElementById("trocarimg"+i) , giving a console.log it picks up the right images, but it doesn’t change.

  • Was to change the src element by the value found in the array. For example: <img id="trocarimg1" src="imagemX">... in making document.getElementById("trocarimg"+i).src = "imagemY";, where the value of i would be 1, should change the src of <img>.

  • Correct Sam, on the.log() console he’s doing it well. If I give a console on Document.getElementById("trocarimg"+i) it returns me the entire html of each item for each color, if you give the console in Document.getElementById("trocarimg"+i). src = '/images/'+ string_array[i]['filename'] it returns me the right img path too, but taking off the console it does nothing haha We are almost, I will keep trying, when I find put the answer here.

  • It’s really weird. You should change the image.

  • But show ball, this answer is correct. I will mark it and when it hits here I send the answer as it was for me. Thanks Sam.

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You are setting the img with the id (sponsive" id="trocarimg{{$id}}">) and is trying to recover using the class trocarimg change your js for this

for (i = 0; i < string_array.length; i++) { document.getElementById('trocarimg'+i).src = // o src }

ps. I don’t know the framework you are using but $id of id="trocarimg{{$id}}"> maybe it’s not the index of the item in the photo array.

In @foreach($produtos->produtoFotos as $fotos) maybe it is possible to pick up the index of the interaction item.

  • Right, it doesn’t get the index. That’s pretty much what I need too. I’ll be looking for how to get the index from the array.

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