I’m trying to edit the data in my database using a form. This same form pulls from a table the data to be edited, in one part of the form there is a select to Voce select the desired field coming from another table.
The problem is that when I pull the data from this other table to register in the desired table, the value entered in the value from the other table registers the value 0 in the database, if I put any number in the value of the select, it registers normally. Only by coming the value of another table that does not.
include_once '../conecta_banco.php';
$query = $conecta->prepare("SELECT unidade.*, serv_impressao.*
FROM serv_impressao as serv_impressao
RIGHT JOIN unidades_prevent as unidade
on (unidade.id_unidade = serv_impressao.unidade_fk) WHERE serv_impressao.ativo = 1 ");
$fetchAll = $query->fetchAll();
foreach($fetchAll as $dados_impressao){
echo '<div id="editServerImpressao?id='.$dados_impressao['id'].'" class="modal modal-fixed-footer" style="width:600px;height:8 00px;">';
echo ' <div class="modal-content ">';
echo ' <i class="material-icons left">edit</i><h1 class="flow-text">'.$dados_impressao['unidade'].'</h1>';
echo ' <div class="col s12 l16" >';
echo ' <form method="POST" action="../model/editar_dados/edit_info_serv_impressao_envia.php">';
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$dados_impressao['id'].'"> ';
echo ' <div class="input-field col s6">';
echo ' <input id="hostname" type="text" class"validate" value="'.$dados_impressao['hostname'].'" name="hostname" maxlength="20" autocomplete="off" ">';
echo ' <label for="hostname">Hostname</label>';
echo ' </div>';
echo ' <div class="input-field col s6">';
echo ' <input id="endereco_ip" type="text" class"validate" value="'.$dados_impressao['endereco_ip'].'" name="endereco_ip" maxlength="20" autocomplete="off" ">';
echo ' <label for="endereco_ip">Endereço IP</label>';
echo ' </div>';
echo ' <div class="input-field col s12">';
echo ' <select name="unidade_fk">';
echo ' <option value="'.$dados_impressao['unidade_fk'].'" selected >'.$dados_impressao['unidade'].'</option>';
$select = $conecta->prepare("SELECT unidade FROM unidades_prevent WHERE ativo = 1 ORDER BY unidade ASC");
$fetchAll = $select->fetchAll();
foreach($fetchAll as $unidades){
echo '<option value ="'.$unidades['sigla'].'">'.$unidades['unidade'].'</option>';
//no value acima ocorre o erro, setando um valor numero qualquer ele edita normal,
//mas quando vem da outra tabela ele nao cadastra
echo ' </select>';
echo ' <label>Unidade</label>';
echo ' </div>';
echo ' <div class="input-field col s12">';
echo ' <input id="descricao" type="text" class"validate" value="'.$dados_impressao['descricao'].'" name="descricao" maxlength="100" autocomplete="off" ">';
echo ' <label for="descricao">Descrição</label><br><br>';
echo ' <input class="btn left waves-effect waves-green btn-flat #0d47a1 blue darken-3 white-text" type="submit" value="Editar" name="editar"> ';
echo ' </div>';
echo ' </form> ';
echo ' </div>';
echo ' </div>';
echo ' <div class="modal-footer">';
echo ' <a href="#!" class="modal-action modal-close waves-effect waves-green btn-flat">Fechar</a>';
echo ' </div>';
echo '</div>';
I am using a right Join because from the other table to which I am trying to edit the data, it pulls the drive field to appear on the screen. I tried to put a foreign key but without success.
Follow the other code that sends to the database.
include_once '../../conecta_banco.php';
//botao com o name alterar
$envia=filter_input (INPUT_POST, 'editar', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
//recupera os dados do form
$id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$endereco_ip = filter_input (INPUT_POST, 'endereco_ip', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$unidade = filter_input (INPUT_POST, 'unidade_fk', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$descricao = filter_input (INPUT_POST, 'descricao', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$hostname = filter_input (INPUT_POST, 'hostname', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$query="UPDATE serv_impressao set endereco_ip = :endereco_ip, unidade_fk = :unidade_fk, descricao = :descricao, hostname = :hostname WHERE id = ".$id." ";
$atualiza = $conecta->prepare($query);
$atualiza->bindParam(':endereco_ip', $endereco_ip);
$atualiza->bindParam(':unidade_fk', $unidade);
$atualiza->bindParam(':descricao', $descricao);
$atualiza->bindParam(':hostname', $hostname);
//fazer algo que atualizou com sucesso
header("Location: ../../view/consulta_rapida.php");
header("Location: cadastroErro.php");
echo "erro ao cadastrar";