how to change the display of div by js?


Viewed 401 times


For some reason that I do not know this time the browser does not want to render the code... basically I need to change the display: nome of div for display: blockthrough javascript.

botaoSticky = function(e) { = "none"

const aparecerSticky = function(){
    const mySticky = document.getElementsByClassName('sticky') = "block";
    display: none;
    background: rgb(42, 197, 211);
    height: 30vh;
    width: 90%;
    margin-top: 20px;

       <input type="button" value="botão sticky" class="botao" onclick=botaoSticky(event)>
       <div class="sticky"><p>meu sticky</p></div>

  • 1

    The element class index is missing. If it is the first, it would be: document.getElementsByClassName('sticky')[0]

1 answer


The method .getElementsByClassName returns a list of elements, type array, and not only an element. For this to work you must do document.getElementsByClassName('sticky')[0] or document.querySelector('.sticky')

const botaoSticky = function(e) { = "none";

const aparecerSticky = function() {
  const mySticky = document.querySelector('.sticky'); = "block";
.sticky {
  display: none;
  background: rgb(42, 197, 211);
  height: 30vh;
  width: 90%;
  margin-top: 20px;
  <input type="button" value="botão sticky" class="botao" onclick=botaoSticky(event)>
  <div class="sticky">
    <p>meu sticky</p>

  • 1

    damn it really had forgotten that detail ksksksks vlw bro sz

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