Hello, I have the following problem:
- When entering the edition of my product I need that in the part where you have the images of the products, each product has its specific color. Ex:
But he is marking all the colors of all the products in the same checkbox, as in the example below.
Editing page looks like this.
@foreach($cores as $cor)
<div class="agrupa" style="display:inline-block; text-align:center">
<input type="checkbox" name="cor_id_produto[]" id="cor_id_produto" style="margin:10px" value="{{ $cor->id }}"
{{ in_array($cor->id, array_pluck($produto->produtoFotos, 'cor_id_imagem')) ? 'checked' : '' }}>
<input type="color" class="form-control" disabled name="cor_id_imagem[]" value="{{$cor->hexa}}" id="cor_id_imagem[]"
placeholder="Hexa" style="width:100%; height:25px; padding:0; border:none;">
- How could I perform this foreach so that it marked only the respective color to your image?
Thanks in advance. If you need more information just ask me to add here.
<div id="fotos_cores" class="fotosCores">
<hr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #333;">
@foreach ($produtosFotos as $photos)
<div class="form-group col-md-6 imgCor pull-left">
<label for="imagens">Imagem cadastrada</label>
<div class="well well-sm">
<img src="/images/{{$photos->filename}}" class="img-responsive" width="50">
<input type="file" name="imagem[]" value="{{$photos->filename}}" multiple class="form-control hidden" />
<div class="form-group col-md-6 imgCor pull-right">
<label for="cores">Cor Referente</label>
@foreach($cores as $cor)
<div class="agrupa" style="display:inline-block; text-align:center">
<input type="checkbox" name="cor_id_produto[]" id="cor_id_produto" style="margin:10px" value="{{ $cor->id }}"
{{ in_array($cor->id, array_pluck($produto->produtoFotos, 'cor_id_imagem')) ? 'checked' : '' }}>
<input type="color" class="form-control" disabled name="cor_id_imagem[]" value="{{$cor->hexa}}" id="cor_id_imagem[]"
placeholder="Hexa" style="width:100%; height:25px; padding:0; border:none;">
<div class="removeButton pull-right"><a value="Remover" class="remDiv" style="cursor:pointer">Remover</a></div>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
{{dd(array_pluck($product->productFotos, 'cor_id_image'))}}
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