Display None on label calling by ID does not work in Safari browser


Viewed 144 times


I think some experienced will know how to answer me!

I can not make the code below work in Safari browser and older versions of Opera. I have tested in all others and works perfectly even in IE >= 9!


   <label for="teste" >
           chamar input
       <input type="file" id="teste" name="image"/>

I can only make it work with visibility:Idden, only the proposal is not to occupy the space of the div and visibility does this.

I thank you all.

  • I don’t understand... what I want is to click anywhere within that label area and later it call the input to select the file

  • input file is not?

  • The question is this, that in the other browsers it calls the same input with display None

  • would have somehow given call this input by clicking on something only I need it with display:None, would have? already tried with jquery also but does not work

  • Because I’ve tried it with position:Absolute, and visibility:Hidden and Buga my layout!

2 answers


Instead of hiding the input, use another property in conjunction with the visibility: hidden:

position: absolute;

Both properties have support in prehistoric browsers. So the input will not take up space in the div and will become invisible.

   position: absolute;
   visibility: hidden;
<label for="teste" >
   chamar input
   <input type="file" id="teste" name="image"/>
   outra linha após o input invisível

  • I tried with position Absolute, but it’s bugging my layout, only the None display would work! I think they got it wrong, I need to click on some div or text, and call the input file to select the file, only the input file needs to be with None display

  • position Absolute removes the flow element. There is no way to bugle the layout

  • That’s why I’m stuck here kkkkkk just not put my code because it will get confused to understand! already tried with jquery and no funnel

  • Then you have to pray to :D.. or better, there is something wrong with your CSS... I repeat: position Absolute removes the flow element and it does not take up space, it is loose.

  • The joker up there voted negative on my answer and excluded his, which was wrong.

  • Look I’m a guy who debugs my codes well, even if I stay days but I discover kk, at the moment I inform you that I was able to get the bug even using the position: that is, putting it higher or lower than where it was already corrected!

  • @Caiolourençon çuçeçu! Glad it worked out. Abs!

  • I thank you I’m already 3 years developing this bagasse, I’m saturated kkkk, Hug!

  • kkk no problem, done, gone!

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I’m going to leave a slightly more semantic approach with a focus on accessibility. It starts from the approach suggested by Bootstrap. Using display:none there is no way to guarantee that the element will be accessible to screen readers

Briefly enough you create a class, called sr-only, and that you will use in all the elements that you want to hide from the screen, but want to make accessible to the screen readers

.sr-only {
    position: absolute;
    width: 1px;
    height: 1px;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    clip: rect(0,0,0,0);
    white-space: nowrap;
    border: 0;

After that you need to label the element so that the screen reader identifies what it is, for that you will use the attributes aria-label and aria-labelledby.

What this labelling does is something like ALT used in the images, but the aria vc can use in any element. The aria-label will tell the discretion of the label, and in the label you put a id that will be an "anchor" of aria-labelledby of input to say that he is the input of label with the aria-label

<label for="teste" aria-label="incluir arquivo" id="arquivo">
    texto antes de chamar input
    <input class="sr-only" type="file" id="teste" name="image" aria-labelledby="arquivo"/><br>
    texto depois do input

Here in this Google documentation you can read more about aria-label and aria-labelledby https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/accessibility/semantics-aria/aria-labels-and-relationships?hl=pt-br

And this is the end result, see that there is no space between one line and another.

.sr-only {
    position: absolute;
    width: 1px;
    height: 1px;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    clip: rect(0,0,0,0);
    white-space: nowrap;
    border: 0;
<label for="teste" aria-label="incluir arquivo" id="arquivo">
    texto antes de chamar input
    <input class="sr-only" type="file" id="teste" name="image" aria-labelledby="arquivo"/><br>
    texto depois do input

  • 1

    Thank you very much, I’ve solved the problem!

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