wanted my presentation slides to appear only once when the app is installed?


Viewed 42 times


i would like that when the user finished going through the slides of my app would automatically open a new Activity and the slides were destroyed so that they would not appear anymore they would appear only when the app was installed again if someone knew of some method? below goes the code I’m usinginserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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1 answer


Ideal is that Voce uses Sharedpreferences for this. When entering the slide screen, Voce should save an "ECRA_TAL_FOI_ABERTO" flag as true. And when entering the app, you should check if this flag exists.

Boolean b = verificarSeExisteAFlag()

When entering the slides:


Shared preferences are stored while the app is installed. And removed when the app is unlocked.



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