validation of a Parameter of number type, in jsonschema


Viewed 34 times


I have a type parameter number and I want to validate the size, how can I do this using the function maximum in a jsonschema?

"type": ["number","null" ], "description": "Maximum Field Length - (23,8)"
  • 1

    Well, it’s not enough to use the maximum as you yourself commented? {"type": "number", "maximum": 20}

  • Hello Anderson, yes I have to use the function Maximum, but I do not know how to implement (23,8) with so much.

  • And what does "(23.8) mean as maximum size"? The value must be less than 23.8?

  • 23 digits and 8 decimal places

2 answers


As commented, you want to validate that your number has up to 23 characters in the whole part and 8 characters in the decimal part. You don’t do it with numbers, you do it with strings.

The guy string has the validations minLength, maxLength and pattern:

  "$schema": "",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "price": {
      "type": "string",
      "minLength": 3,
      "maxLength": 32,
      "pattern": "^\\d{1,23}\\.\\d{1,8}$"

Thus, the JSON below is valid:

  "price": "123.456789"

But the JSON below does not, as it has more than 8 characters in the decimal part.

  "price": "123.4567890123"


I think the best way to validate this would be to input the data with a

if (description.length< maxField)

But I could do so

  "type": "string",
  "minLength": 2,
  "maxLength": 3

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